Seeing Life Through Heaven’s Eyes
A training in Traditional Islamic Healing and Medicine (TIHM) for students and professionals of both traditional and modern health care disciplines, and health-conscious people in general.

This workshop is a big-picture presentation relevant for all levels of knowledge and expertise. Deeply rooted in Islamic cosmology, the material is profound and transformative, with the support of experiential exercises. Participants generally leave this training with a profound shift in understanding of self, other, world, and life.

Course objectives include:

*Understanding health, well-being, illness, and disease from a spiritual perspective
*Expanding your health discipline’s perspective to become authentically holistic
*Deciphering soul-level concerns behind physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual signs and symptoms
*Designing a holistic treatment strategy, whether for yourself or your patients
*Translating holistic (BodyMindSoul) principles into clinical practice within your domain of expertise
*Knowing how and when to engage other health disciplines to fully implement a holistic treatment strategy

Dates: Sat-Sun 2017 (exact dates TBA)
Time: 10 am—6 pm
Location: Chicago, IL (exact location TBA)
Teacher: Ḥakīm Ilyās al-Kāshānī
Cost: $350; Students (through undergrad only): $225

To complete your registration, please proceed with payment below (via PayPal, which includes a variety of payment options –credit card, debit card, PayPal balance, and bank account transfer). Please note, there is a 3% transaction fee added to your payment. If, however, you make a payment from your PayPal balance or linked bank account, there is no fee. In this case, log on to PayPal and choose the “send money to friends and family” option. Send payment to 1-703-585-7162.
