Reset.Remember.Revive. is a precious opportunity to unplug, decompress, and realign with your spiritual center. This event also offers an experience of the foundational principles and practices of Traditional Islamic Healing and Medicine (TIHM) directly from Ḥakīm Ilyās, our retreat leader. The retreat is open to everyone, whether one is seeking greater health and well-being for personal reasons, actively studying a health care discipline, or seeking insight and perspective to further develop one’s knowledge and skill in a professional setting.

2024 Opportunities
* Early registration is recommended as space is limited. Click on the link below to download the flyer for full details.

Morocco (Marrakech): October 13-19 (Sun-Sat)

To register, please email the address on the PDF with your name, email address, phone number, and room selection. Please include these details for each participant if registering more than one person. We will respond with payment details.


The Retreat Experience
We meet at a location away from your life in the world—stepping out of time and off the grid—for an existential decompression. The beautiful, tranquil setting with fresh air, pure water, sunshine, and clean food supports relaxation, rejuvenation, reflection, and healing. The retreat themes are realized through our daily program of BodyMindSoul practices and engaging discussion. You will have ample time to yourself as well as opportunities to connect with the other hearts who were inspired to attend.

Life’s hardships can easily distract us from our many blessings. We also risk, however, losing ourselves and forgetting what really matters. This retreat is a precious opportunity for the essential yet often neglected practice of spiritual renewal. Retreat is indispensable, however, when confronted with life-transitions involving ultimate concerns and critical choices.

We begin with a BodyMindSoul reset through practices that dissolve and release accumulated physical, mental, and emotional stresses so that your true self can emerge. What follows is the remembrance of who you really are, so that you are able to consciously tame wayward motivations and their resultant negative behaviors that are built around the illusion of who you are not. Once you relax into your true nature, you are spiritually revived.


This retreat is ideal for you if you’re facing any of these challenges.

Are you “religious” but notice that you lack a deeper connection with yourself, others, or God?

Are you having a crisis of faith?

Are you “spiritual” but notice that you are not advancing through your personal challenges or not realizing your life goals, whether personal or professional?

Are you disconnected from your body? Has your health gotten away from you? Do you suffer from stress, illness, or dis-ease in spite of your best efforts to be well?

Do you want to integrate your spiritual aspirations with your physical body and other dimensions of your life (relationships, family, community, environment, education, career, service)?

Are you at a crossroads in life, either presently immersed in or just over a major adversity (birth, illness, death, divorce, betrayal, displacement, trauma, ‘ayn or sihr, education or career change)?

Are you moved to begin a new chapter of your life (well-being, relationship, study, career, or service) but lack focus, direction, or confidence?


Preparing for the Retreat
From a mental perspective, it is best to arrive with “an empty cup,” as a decided mind can be a significant obstacle. The real education is through direct experience, and no amount of preparation will convey what must ultimately be felt. All one needs to bring is a receptive heart, an open mind, and a willingness to learn.


Do you have to be Muslim to attend?
No. This program is open to Muslims and non-Muslims, but is nonetheless rooted in faith. Non-Muslims are welcome and can realize as much healing, self-knowledge, and growth as Muslim participants. However, those who are not interested in God or faith are not suited for this experience. Those who are sincerely standing in the question, however, can benefit.


A Typical Day
Weaved throughout the day are prayer, murāqaba (meditation, contemplation, and self-study) sessions, BodyMind practices, discussions of spiritual themes, shared meals, time in nature, personal time, and inspirational evening programs. Time is also set aside to join excursions (optional) available in our location (hikes, canopy walk, zip lining, white-water rafting, river tour, botanical garden, beach, surfing). Whenever there is an on-site spa, you’re welcome to book sessions during your personal time.


What You Can Look Forward To
If you bring a receptive heart and mind, expect to receive insights and breakthroughs relative to your particular life-journey, such as: realizing who you really are; establishing a spiritual center as a lifeline to navigate the myriad challenges of life; finding clarity or resolution in your relationships; identifying a resonant educational/career path; and addressing health challenges. Everything is relevant and anything is possible. Join us for this sacred and transformative adventure!


Testimonials from Participants in Our Programs
I’m not a fan of hyperbole and I’m afraid it’ll sound like that but there isn’t any other language available, so here goes. The You 101 program was absolutely life-changing, and it horrifies me when I imagine what kind of nasty place I’d be in if I hadn’t taken the course. Suffice it to say the tools I gained and the insight provided by our fearless leader gave me the courage to move from really a place of spiritual death towards hope and life. Practically and yet also mystically it will guide you toward a life worth living, “highly recommend” just doesn’t cut it. —Nesrine M.

I was living with paralyzing anxiety and surmounting fears. The You 101 program helped me connect with my body and emotions. I was given the tools to improve the quality of my life. I now live free of anxiety and fears. I have deeper, more meaningful relationships with friends and family, and I am the happiest I have ever been. Thank you Ilyas for the support and guidance I needed to make this happen. —Nancy W.

Ilyas is a wonderful guide and teacher. If one wants to truly be in alignment with Allah and the universe, this program is indispensable. —Pipi

If you’ve been led here, a journey awaits… one that is nourishing, healing, and sound. Hk. Ilyas holds space for the unfolding of a personal alchemical process. It’s highly intuitive, transformative, and unveiling, returning the heart to remembrance of what is true. You will be challenged as all that is untrue will come to the light until you see your true self. I came confused and left with a deeper sense of who I am and a listening to what’s true in my self and the world. It’s sacred ground for possible self realization. —Mirna M.

I am not the same person I was before I decided to explore this path. You 101 was a positive part of the path that has led me to this point. I am thankful for it and for Hk. Ilyas because I am steps closer to understanding who I am and that means I am steps closer to loving who I am. —Diane G.

…a transformative experience and complete program of healing… strengthened my body and calmed my mind, with a long term impact. —Nafisa D.

I attended the You 101 course and it was life changing. Hakim Wellness’s holistic approach to self development through facilitating healing moments through group dynamics and spiritual practices has sped up my life and has allowed me to live according to my divine purpose sooner. Hakim Ilyas is an incredibly knowledgeable healer and his work and organization are irreplaceable. —Hussna H.


If you have questions, please contact us.


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