About Hakim Wellness

Ḥakīm Wellness is dedicated to reviving the study and practice of Traditional Islamic Healing & Medicine (TIHM) through three initiatives: education, treatment, and partnership.

Education is offered through an Islamic medical program in which taqwā’Allāh (God-consciousness) guides our understanding of health, well-being, illness, and dis-ease, and whose study and practice is a seamless expression of Islamic principles. Additionally, we will produce a documentary film and multimedia materials to educate the public about TIHM and the Ḥakīm Wellness project.

Treatment will be offered at the integrative medical clinic at the heart of the Ḥakīm Wellness Health, Education, and Retreat Center. Our therapeutic model is based on TIHM and will employ a wide range of treatment modalities, modern and traditional. The center will also have a prayer space, retreat center, hydrotherapy spa, herbal dispensary, medicinal herb and food garden and greenhouse, exercise and meditation hall, classrooms, wellness restaurant, library, store, stables, and animal farm. The center will be built when sufficient funding is obtained. Ḥakīm Ilyās is currently treating patients on a part-time basis while devoting much of his attention to the Ḥakīm Wellness project.

Partnership will be established through a global network dedicated to the preservation, development, and exchange of knowledge of Traditional Medicine, and mutual support and collaboration. The global network includes traditional healers as well as doctors of conventional medicine who are interested in the integration of modern and traditional techniques.  We intend to travel and personally meet practitioners, scholars, and students in centers of treatment and learning around the world, and we hope to establish exchange programs for mutual benefit.